Peel is all about the democratization of post-purchase data. We want to give you the ability to have complete control over your data and the unparalleled ability to customize that data to fits your needs today, tomorrow, and for years to come.
Our customers can see everything from extremely granular analyses to high-level views of their analytics through a variety of dashboards, metrics, and segmentation. But, our customers are not able to export and manipulate their root data, and often require a level of customization that’s tailored to their specific needs. That’s where Snowflake comes in.
What is Snowflake?
Your company owns a lot of data; if you run an ecommerce brand, it's very likely that your data sits across many providers such as Shopify, Recharge, Klaviyo, Google Analytics, Stripe, etc., and your team will extract value from combining that data from time to time in one place–a spreadsheet or a database–to run your monthly analyses and quarterly reports.
Ideally, you’re able to regroup your data much more frequently by aggregating it in one place, a data warehouse somewhere in the cloud. We think Snowflake is the most advanced cloud data warehouse solution on the market, and here’s why.
Without getting too deep on the technical aspects of the platform, here’s a quick overview of the 3 main pillars that Snowflake is built upon:
Storage and Computation decoupling - Snowflake can be organized like a relational database to store a large quantity of information, but at the price of cloud file storage like Amazon S3 or Dropbox.
Relational queries - Snowflake data can then be queried using SQL to JOIN any number of datasets together to produce complex reports unique to your business.
Cloud hosted with a beautiful user interface - Unlike most of its competitors, Snowflake comes with a fantastic interface any analyst can use to run a complex query, save it and come back to it later to export the data anytime they need it.
What Does Snowflake Mean for Peel Users?
Peel is fast. Our proprietary technology allows us to offer the most advanced cohort analyses, with no waiting time, and it’s easy to use without sacrificing depth. When you hop on our platform and want to see your LTV by Cohort, or Repurchase Rate, or any of the ecommerce metrics that matter most to your business, you’re a single click away. Seriously, most things on the platform load in under a second.
When you dive deeper and add layers of segmentation, it’s just a couple clicks and we still pull your analysis up quickly and efficiently.
That said, we realize that data can’t be “one size fits all.” Brands are dynamic in their business practices and creative in their strategies. With that top of mind, out-of-the-box Peel has 160+ metrics, each with dozens of filtering options for segmentation to address our customers diverse needs.
But we still want to provide MORE.
Brands come to us requesting more layered analysis that sometimes isn’t quite captured in Peel. Or, for one reason or another, they want access to raw data to perform their own analysis.
Snowflake enables us to deliver when a customer asks for segmentation based on 3 or 4 different variables that our dashboards don’t have the dynamic capabilities to do. We’re able to export those specific data requests that our customers would not otherwise have access to in Peel or Shopify.
These deeper analyses allow us to help companies dive deeper into the reasons behind trends in their data. For example, when a company sees movement in their repurchase rate for a given month, they want to know what caused that movement, so they can repeat or improve their marketing experiments that impacted that specific metric. If that company comes to us and says, “We ran 3 promos that month and want to validate their performance because they improved our repurchase rate. We want a list of every discount code used, sales related to the code, the number of items purchased and number of orders made,” we can use Snowflake to build that custom report.
Simply put, Snowflake is one of the primary factors that allows Peel to provide a boutique level of service to our customers.
Examples of Snowflake in Action
Here’s just a few examples of unique situations that our customers come to us with.
One of our largest customers needed a better way to look at the quantity of products purchased at different stages of the customer’s purchasing journey. With Snowflake, we were able to create a report that provides them a way to filter order number (2nd, 3rd, 4th order, etc.) This provides them way more transparency into how products are moving at different stages for their customers.
They can now easily look at orders 2-4 and run drip campaigns to customers on their first and second orders to come back and buy their top sellers for order 2-4. It’s all about understanding the customer’s purchasing cadence and being timely with the right product recommendations.
Snowflake opens the doors to so many custom analysis opportunities for brands to dig deeper and find meaning behind the trends in their data.
Another customer wanted to take a look at their monthly order count for January 2022 and wasn’t sure that our Cohort by Order metrics were correct. They wanted us to validate that the order count was accurate.
Snowflake was the answer, allowing us to easily export all orders behind the metric while combining data from multiple sources into a single table.
One of our customers was seeing too many orders with no good attribution channel among their top 3 channels for the last 6 months. They wanted to dive into their attribution model by all sources, referrers, utm sources, utm mediums, utm content, utm campaign & utm terms related to those orders to better establish correct channel attribution.
Snowflake allowed us to get that level of granularity and provide more transparency for that brand.
We can solve anything that stands out as unique, out of the ordinary, or especially layered in our customers’ requests with Snowflake.
In the Pipeline for Peel x Snowflake
Because Peel already accesses a lot of your business data to run metrics and detect trends in subsegments of your sales, we figured we’d help you scale your business and load it all on Snowflake, which is ready for you to use when the time comes. No more need to figure out your own ETL, monitoring, updates in custom fields from Shopify or API changes from your subscription providers.
With that, we’re using our Snowflake integration to create custom Slices reports based on SQL queries. This provides customers access to anything we can do with their data on linear metrics, such as multiple layers of filters, new formulas, and new metrics. All are directly available as Slices tables and, in certain cases, they’ll be visualized as graphs.
So, if you have a data expert on your team who wants direct access to raw datasets, we can equip you with everything you need. But if you’re like thousands of brands we work with, who don’t necessarily have an in-house person who owns data, we can work with you on custom analysis, to answer your most detailed questions, created via Snowflake.
If you’re interested in learning more about Peel and the custom analysis we can cook up for your company, reach out!
And if you're already using Peel, we want to know your story and what metrics you're wanting to explore deeper. Message us with any questions and we'll let you know where to find it within the app or if we can create a custom report for you.