Sometimes, it’s all about keeping it simple. This new simple analysis tells you what your customers are buying at their different order stages.
We have plenty of customers looking to get to the core of what’s happening. They want to zoom in on the products that are selling the most – from the customers first purchase and beyond.
So, here’s a sweet new view of exactly that: Top Products by Order Number. Check it out. 👇

This lists the top products by quantity purchased and gives you two really simple filters: time and order number.
Want to know what’s moving the most in customers’ first purchases for the last month? Boom! 💥
🔎 Want to zoom in on what they’re buying in their 3rd or 4th order? Just switch the order number.
🖼️ Plus, the product column includes visuals of your products along with their names. We find it to be a pretty cool little touch to bring your products and analysis to life.
📣 Use it to inform your email marketing strategy, or fuel your advertising budget for certain products or your product education. Find the right timing in your customers’ conversion paths to engage them with the right product recommendations. Sky’s the limit on what you can do with this analysis.
We can also customize this to filter this report by any other dimension in your dataset – like physical location – to see what people are buying at different order intervals when they’re buying from a specific store or if they are tagged with a specific tag!
We’re giving you the analysis aka crystal ball of what products are moving at different stages of your customers’ journey. 🔮
Chat in & let us know if you want this analysis & we will add it to your account!